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(The Secret is Right Under Your Nose)

“Bellyphants is a lovely, simple and fun way to introduce breath awareness to children at a young age.

An important tool for life!”

Ellie Banner-Ball, Mindfulness Teacher


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There's a very simple lesson we should all be taught at a young age. 

*If you focus on your breathing, you can change how you feel*

We all have unwanted feelings at certain points in our lives. 

And learning how to focus on our breath can help calm these feelings. 

Through storytelling and interactive toys (coming soon!), it's our intention to teach children from a young age, how to regulate their emotions. 

To seed the habit of taking Bellyphant-Breaths every day. 

The Bellyphant stories are gently educational. They're interactive and intended to seed the basic elements of acceptance and peace of mind through empathy. X 

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